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  • Sister Meiners

When the Prophet Visits Your Mission


I know what you're thinking. And the answer is no, I didn't meet the prophet. I didn't shake his hand. I didn't see him face to face, or even from a distance! But I didn't need to!

This weekend President Nelson, God's mouthpiece on the earth today, toured around Alberta, where his wife Wendy was raised. He held a fireside which we watched via broadcast! It was extremely interesting and fascinating. They talked about gathering Israel, and receiving revelation-- such an exciting topic as a missionary who is also trying to gather people to the gospel!

There was such an amazing spirit as Sister Rasband, Elder Rasband, and Sister Nelson spoke and testified of President Nelson as a prophet. Sister Nelson shared personal experiences of times that she felt prompted to leave the room so that President Nelson could receive revelation. She said that after 2 hours he came out and was excited at what he had just heard and seen. President Nelson was well worded and it was exciting to hear him! President Nelson gave a shout out and a hug to President and Sister Miles. It was like watching the prophet hug my parents! What a wonderful night!!! I didn't need to see him face to face or to shake his hand and feel a rush of adrenaline to know he's the prophet on the earth today! I could feel it through the Holy Ghost!

Amidst happy and spirit filled moments, there were typical hard moments this week too. I'll share one experience with you.

One day this week, I'll be honest-- I was feeling extremely weighed down. I felt like nothing was going right!! In one day: we had gotten in a car accident and I was bewildered trying to figure out how we'd get everywhere in the city for the next few weeks ( enduring the wrath of our vehicle coordinator!), every appointment that day fell through, I was drained from the stress of training a new missionary, it was soooo hot outside-- and to top it off, I got an email that my Uncle had passed away the night before.

I felt like the adversary had shot me with 8896 paintballs. I was spiritually weak and for one of the few times, felt a lack of motivation. It felt like even though I was trying my absolute hardest, nothing was going right. I was tempted to think, selfish thoughts like:

Why is this so hard? Shouldn't I be blessed for serving and being obedient?

I privately pled on my knees at my bedside, truly seeking personal revelation and council. I felt the Spirit whisper an answer I've received before but had forgotten.

God asks so much of me, because He's already given me everything.

I tearfully felt a confirmation from the Spirit that Heavenly Father has already given me everything! I think of how He loved me enough to give me not just my family, and my friends, and the gospel and all that I have--- but He even gave me His only Son. How Jesus Christ-- who was perfectly obedient and righteous, how He still endured excruciating pain that He did not deserve. I was reminded that as a disciple of Christ, sometimes I have to walk the lonely path of rejection and sorrow. He asks so much of me, so that I can really be a special witness of Him! He asks things of me because He's already given me everything. And in comparison to what He's given me, is He really asking that much?

My anxiety subsided and I stood, with a strength and a power not of my own, to continue and to go out and serve those here who need me. I was able to go out and share this experience with a less active couple and I know the Spirit softened their hearts. This feeling of feeling down and then being strengthened has happened to me many times on my mission.

Just as my sister Julia painted on a sign for me... "The struggle is real, but so is God." That's kinda my life motto some days! I can look back on this week and see all the things that God taught me and I'm so grateful. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!

Memez of the Week:

When you realize monkeys won't be in heaven:

"Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree." (Galations 3:13)

When Sister Lett drives (just kidding!!!!):

"and the driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi, for he driveth furiously." (2 Kings 9:20)

Cat(s) in the Hat:

Meoooowwwww. I know many of you have been long anticipating this segment. Jk-- everyone probably forgot about it but me. I wanted to be all Dr. Suessy, so for the past 5 months I've been trying to compile pics of "Cat(s) in the Hat," though I feel my pursuits are in vain... I think I was expecting to find a litter of kittens or something, but I only have so much to offer....Below is a sheepish compilation of photos of Cats in the Hat. Because of low amounts of cats... I had to improvise with creatures similar to cats..... (PS, yesterday I saw an old man with cats on his suspenders and I just didn't feel it appropriate to take a candid pic of him...)

(keep looking!)


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