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  • Sister Meiners

Freaky Friday

Friends. Whata week. I hope you're strapped in your seat belt for this email.

quick highlights!!!!!!!!!!

  • Our investigator Brandi committed to be baptized! #yeaaahhhboiiiiiii

  • I saw allll my Taber youth pals at a multi-stake activity in medhat! The stake presidency begged us to come and play games with the youth before their dance. It was sooo fun basically having a Pday pt 2 and getting to know all the youth!!

  • Got a referral from 2 sisters in a different mission named Sister Hong and Sister Kong. #dreamcompanionship #HongKong #SisterLett'smotherland

BUT THE CRAZIEST PART OF THEM ALL IS OUR FREAKY FRIDAY MOMENT. If you have Déjà Vu to the popular 2003 movie, you're not alone. These are all true events, not just dramatized for the sake of this email. YA CAN'T JUST MAKE THIS STUFF UP.

On Friday, a family takes us to a Chinese restaurant. At the conclusion of the meal they gave us the customary fortune cookie. Listen very closely to Sister Lett's fortune:

"When one door closes, another will open. 1 11 13 29 36 49"

The infamous fortune.

Never, has this generic fortune cookie been so applicable, than to us, cause we actually go door to door! With excitement to fulfill our fortune, we went to work!

At 6pm, we were off-- from door to door to door to door to door, we knocked! Most were pleasant and polite no's... At one house, we were greeted by a very ebullient and jolly man. He kept calling us "beautiful ladies." By the 4th time.. all pleasantries slipped to just plain creepy. I ended our chat and reached out my hand for a professional, yet kind handshake. He gingerly and delicately raised my hand to his lips and kissed. my. hand. (Not the first time on my mission, but definitely the first time while tracting... especially when someone decline us.)

Appalled and violated, I looked at his house number, and then it all made sense. He was #49, the last of my lucky numbers. Coincidence? Freaky!!!! Not sure if I'd call it a lucky house.......but definitely a memorable one!

By 8pm, we were still in the pursuit of finding our lucky door. We were still knockin' when the door of a young family, the Andersons greeted us. Like the fortune foretold... the door opened, they let us in, we taught them, and we're going back this week!!! New investigators!!! And sure enough, THEY WERE UNIT #1, our first lucky number.

Now THAT, was a lucky 1!!!!! #guidedbyafortunecookie

ISN'T THAT CRAAAAZYYY??????!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

It just goes to show that God inspires us and motivates us in crazy and freaky ways! He is the ULTIMATE fortune cookie, because his direction is always right and we will certainly always feel like we are the lucky ones as we get the chance to follow Him! :)

Here's a scripture I liked this week!

"But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26)

Meme of the Week:

When you show up to a move and they're disappointed because they thought you'd be elders that are buff and strong: #sorrynotsorryLinda #truestory #weinvitedtheelderscausewereweak #didtheysendusdaughterswhenweaskedforsons

"Look not on [her] countenance or on the height of [her] stature... for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)

side note on the meme of the week:

One of my bffs, sis wissler, gave me a shout out in Relief Society and said how my memes of the week inspire her/gave her a renewed excitement to read the scriptures cause they help her remember that reading the scriptures can be fun!!!! And then all the ladies in RS made me write my blog on the board so they could gain scriptural insights.... #sharingthegospelthroughmemes #Godusesmytalents


The move, mentioned in the weekly meme. Did I mention it was pouring rain?

After the move they gave us a box of Tim Hortons donuts. GUYS. I TRIED DECLINING. I ate my first donut at the move. Then at lunch, I'm like "Wow, I am definetely entitled to another." And then around 4pm I was growing weak and I needed nourishment after planning. I caved. I commanded Sister Lett to get me another, and then, like a warning from the Holy Ghost, she said "Sister Meiners. Do you need this donut? Or do you want it?" I lied, and said I needed it. That lie caught up to me the moment I finished that 3rd donut. I could feel the sugar seeping into my blood stream and my heart entering cardiac arrest. I had PTSD to when I was in 4th grade and was hospitalized at school, and carried away in an ambulance to the Columbia Hospital emergency room.... for eating an excess amount of donuts (I wish I was exaggerating, but it ACTUALLY HAPPENED.) Some lessons we just have to keep relearning over and over again in our lives.

My friend, Elle. :)

Baby's 1st Time Filling Gas-- Ever! (Being a mom is so fun, I got to also hit milestones such as, Baby's 1st Time Doing Laundry, Baby's 1st time Using a Debit Card, Baby's 1st Time Trying Poutine, and ya know, all the missionary firsts!!) :))))

my next door neighbour in Taber, Josh!!

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